sâmbătă, 24 august 2013



Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la  Unit 10: THE CYCLE OF LIFE  din manualul de limba engleza intitulat UPSTREAM UPPER INTERMEDIATE, Student’s Book,  Editura Express Publishing, Autor Virginia Evans, Editia 2003



Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 1 / page 175

The title refers to our life cycle and the pictures relate to different stages in our lives such as infancy, marriage, graduation, careers and old age.

I can see a baby being helped by an adult to take his/ her first steps. This picture gives me a warm feeling inside, as it shows a moment which all parents wait for.
There is a young woman dressed in a graduation robe and holding her degree certificate up in the air. This picture makes me feel happy because the young woman must have worked hard and is undoubtedly feeling very proud.
There is a young man dressed in a business suit smiling and giving the ‘thumbs up’ sign. I feel pleased for the man in this picture, as he has probably just got a promotion or made an important deal.
I can also see a couple who have just got married. The groom is helping the bride to get down from a carriage. They are both smiling and look very happy. I feel quite romantic when I look at this picture, as it shows a couple who are obviously very much in love.
There is also an elderly couple on the phone. They are both listening to the person on the other end of the phone and smiling. I feel a little sad when I see this picture, because this couple may be missing their children, who have clearly grown up and left home.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 2 / page 175

0-5: newborn, baby, infant, toddler
5-12: child, school-age child, youngster
13-19: adolescent, teenager, juvenile
20+: adult, grown-up, parent
40+: middle-aged person
60+: elderly, senior, pensioner

A: I think savings are relevant to a person who is over forty, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people need to start saving for their retirement.

A: I think retiring is relevant to a person who is over sixty, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people stop working.

A: I think temper tantrums are relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when children find it difficult to control their emotions.

A: I think promotion is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people start developing their career.

A: I think stress is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people start having a lot of responsibility.

A: I think learning to talk is relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when children learn to communicate.

A: I think learning to drive is relevant to a person who is between 13 and 19, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people can apply for a driving licence.

A: I think a pension is relevant to a person who is over sixty, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people retire from work.

A: I think homework is relevant to a person who are between 5 and 12 and between 13 and 19, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when children are in full-time education.

A: I think learning to read is relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when children prepare to go school.

A: I think starting a family is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people usually settle down.

A: I think university is relevant to a person who is between 13 and 19, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when people think about going into further education.

A: I think playmates are relevant to a person who is between 5 and 12, don’t you?
B: Yes, because this is when children start making friends.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 3/ page 176

1.     Y
2.   N
3.   Y
4.   N
5.    N
6.   Y
7.    Y

healthy eating
regular exercise
financial security
good relationships with friends, partners and family
pleasant daily environment

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 4/ page 176

A: I agree with the first quotation because I feel that many people nowadays are so concerned with making money and paying the bills that often they do not pay attention to the more important parts of our lives such as family, friendships and living for the moment.
B: Yes, but I think that the second quotation is also true, as we spend so much time planning ahead and looking to the future that life passes us by without us even noticing.


Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 1 / page 176

The pictures show things which can lengthen or shorten your life.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 2/ page 176

A: I think yoga, exercising, taking vitamins and healthy eating help us to live longer.
B: I agree, but smoking, eating junk food and taking a lot of pills do not.

sports, diet, smoking, yoga, walking, fruit and vegetables

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 3/ page 176

1.     A with record numbers of fit, healthy people reaching the age of 90 and over (lines 7-8)
2.   A this seems to be a continuing trend (line 5)
3.   C travelling …, learning new skills, taking up different sports, starting businesses (lines 16-18)
4.   B intake of fewer calories allowed mice to live up to 40% longer (lines 26-27)
5.    B we can … do a lot to slow biological ageing (lines 42-43)
6.   D Improve your diet by eating smaller portions, especially at night. (item 13 in the list)
7.    A How well we age … is up to us. (introductory paragraph) Our opinion of what is old … tends to change with … higher levels of longevity. (lines 19-22)

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 4/ page 177

2. g I am changing to a healthier lifestyle in order to improve my energy levels. (line 7)
3. a The graying population is becoming more and more energetic. (line 10)
4. b Life expectancy in my country is very high due to healthy eating. (lines 2-3)
5. e Eating junk food speeds up the ageing process. (line 37)
6. c In Japan, there are record numbers of people over 100 years old. (line 7)
7. f Social circumstances can affect how long we live. (line 25)

1.     b
2.   a
3.   b
4.   a
5.    b

generation: a period of time – usually 30 years
doubled: multiplied by two
trend: general development, change
dramatically: very greatly
longevity: long life
calories: units used to measure the energy value of food
cancer: a disease which affects the cells in the body
consume: use/eat
centenarians: people who are 100 years old and older
challenge: difficult task
physical: of the body
chronological: of age
biological: organic
posture: standing/ sitting position

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 5/ page 177

activity: 5/6/11; attitude: 1/3/4/9; intellect: 7; nutrition: 12/13; sociability: 10

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 6/ page 177

A: I don’t eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables, so I probably don’t get all of the vitamins I need to be healthy.
B: I’d be prepared to eat more healthily in order to improve my health. I don’t get much exercise, as I spend most of the day sitting at a desk. I’d like to find the time to exercise regularly, but this thing is easier said than done.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 7/ page 177

Take up some form of exercise.
Keep socially active, especially with younger people.
Always use sunscreen in hot weather.
Try to keep as mentally active as you can.
Don’t be pessimistic.


Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 1 / page 178

1, 8, 5, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6

A: For me, keeping to a healthy weight is most important for a healthy lifestyle.
B: You’re absolutely right. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for your well-being.

I eat plenty of healthy food and I go jogging every morning in order to keep fit.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 2 / page 178


She was quite well-off, with a good pension and a number of bank accounts.
Lewis is tall, well-built and very attractive.
We were amazed at how well-preserved the artifacts in the museum were.
I was impressed by how well-mannered the children were.
Dave gave up a well-paid job to study at university.
Jane is always well-dressed and never looks scruffy.
He is very well-informed about nutrition and exercise.
She is from a well-to-do family who have a great deal of property.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 3 / page 178

A: I think orange juice should be part of a student’s diet because it’s a high energy food and it’s rich in vitamin C.
B: You’re right. I think students should also eat oily fish as it’s high in calcium.

A: I think milk should be part of an old person’s diet because it’s a high energy food and it’s rich in calcium.
B: You’re right. I think an old person should also eat chicken as it’s rich in protein.

A: I think fish should be part of the diet of somebody who’s on diet because it’s a high energy, low fat food. 
B: You’re right. I think a person on a diet should also eat cornflakes as they are high in carbohydrates and low in fat.

I can’t stand spicy food.
I often eat savoury snacks at work.
I always eat fruit and salads when I’m on diet.
I don’t really like fizzy drinks.
I only eat junk food on holiday.
I love creamy sauces.
I never eat greasy foods.
I rarely eat sweets.

I like eating vegetables. I eat them every day. I like to eat them fried or roasted.
I like eating steak. I eat it once or twice a month. I like to eat it grilled.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 4 / page 179

1.     helping (= a serving; plate = item of crockery we eat a meal off; dish = particular type of food/ meal, e.g. chicken casserole, beef stew, etc.; course = one part of a meal)
2.   recipe (= written list of ingredients/ instructions on how to make a dish; instructions = a list of points on how to do sth; prescription = paper from doctor with medicine and dosage given to a patient to give to the chemist; receipt = a piece of paper that shows proof of purchase of sth)
3.   frozen (= hard due to very low temperature; freezing = in the process of becoming frozen; cold = low temperature; icy = covered with ice)
4.   course (= one part of a meal; starter = the first course of a meal; appetizer = small light serving of food to increase the appetite; dessert = sweet course served after the main course of a meal)
5.    sparkling (=carbonated; gassy = full of gas; flat = still/ uncarbonated; bubbly = full of bubbles)
6.   wound (=cut in the skin; injury = damage to the body; pain = feeling when you are hurt; ache = dull pain)
7.    recover (=to recuperate; heal = get better; cure = remedy; mend = repair)

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 5/ page 179

1.     – f  comes to life: becomes energetic
2.   – a  goes bad: goes off
3.   – e  killing time: doing sth to keep busy while waiting
4.   –b  the time of your life: a great time
5.    – d  couch potato: sb who constantly watches TV and does not take any exercise
6.   – c  have a sweet tooth: like eating sweets

couch potato

“A couch potato – who me?”

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 6/ page 179

1.     without
2.   up
3.   on
4.   over
5.    with
6.   off
7.    out
8.   off
9.   with
10.                on

1. do without: manage without
2. take up: start
3. put on: gained (weight)
4. get over: recover from
5. put up with: tolerate
6. giving off: releasing, emitting
7. cut out: remove
8. keep off: stay away from
9. (could) do with: would like
10. live on: by eating one food/ thing

Students’ own answers.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 7/ page 179

1.     in
2.   out
3.   under
4.   to
5.    on
6.   to
7.    from
8.   to
9.   with
10.                from, to

1. Mary was in good shape after going to the gym for six months.
2. These yogurts are out of date!
3. She was very good at keeping calm under pressure.
4. I am addicted to chocolate.
5. Diane is going on a diet as she has put on a lot of weight lately.
6. I can’t eat nuts because I am allergic to them.
7. It will take six weeks for Jane to recover from her accident.
8. He must keep to a healthy weight to avoid getting ill again.
9. Sometimes it’s difficult to cope with the amount of work I have.
10. Sue lets her children eat sweets from time to time, but not every day.

1.     for
2.   under
3.   with
4.   of
5.    by
6.   for


Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 1 / page 180

1.     A: The Internet has changed our lives by making a huge amount of information available to many people.
B: I agree. Before the Internet, people had to waste a lot of time and energy looking through encyclopaedias and other reference books to find things out.
C: Also, the Internet has brought us email which is much faster and more efficient than sending letters.

A: Cheap air travel has allowed more people to travel abroad more often.
B: Yes, air travel used to be a luxury for the rich. Now it is available to anyone.

2. ATMs, surveillance cameras, medical breakthroughs, e.g. laser surgery

3. A Communications – We will all have wrist phones.
     B The Economy – There will be a single world currency. There will be no paper money or coins, only plastic money.
     C Travel – There will be passenger flights to the moon.
    D Health – Cures for all diseases will be found.
    E Entertainment – We will have digital cinema at home.
    F Shopping – All goods will be delivered to our door instantly.

1.     D (genetic code in medical records, specialized treatments based on each patient’s genetic code, breakthroughs in the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, self-diagnosis using smart computers)
2.   F (no poor quality products, more affordable prices, home delivery)
3.   E (computer generated TV personalities, virtual pop stars)
4.   C (faster trains and planes)
5.    A (constant Internet access through wireless and broadband connections, tiny voice-activated mobile phones fitting inside our ears)

I think that, in the future, our genetic code will certainly be included in our medical records. I also think that it is possible that all groceries and other products will be delivered to the home. I am not sure if computer generated personalities will replace celebrities, as we would miss reading celebrity gossip and interviews. I think that rail travel and air travel will become faster, and I think it is also very likely that one day, we will be online all the time, through mobile phones and other small gadgets.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 2 / page 180

1.      Some people think a gym is the place to show off your muscles./ Aerobics is a popular form of exercise./ You should check out the facilities before you join./ Many gyms also offer yoga classes./ Do not leave your valuables in the lockers./ Many people join a gym in order to lode weight./ Take a friend for moral support and encouragement./ When you calculate the monthly cost, it can be expensive./ There are often personal trainers available./ Before you sign in a contract, make sure there are no hidden extras./ Life membership is not always economical.
2.    2 What happens if you choose the wrong one?
4. What other costs are involved?
5. Should we sign a contract?
7. Why is it worth doing some research before joining a gym?

1.     B
2.   A
3.   C
4.   B
5.    B
6.   A
7.    C

I am a member of a gym which I visit once or twice a week. I like going to the aerobics classes there the most, because they are good fun and help me to keep fit. I least like having to change in the changing rooms, as they are very hot and stuffy.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 3 / page 181

See Tapescript for exercise 5 p.181 in the students’ book.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 4 / page 181

See Tapescript for exercise 5 p.181 in the students’ book.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 5 / page 181

8.   Students’ own answers.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 6 / page 181

What you really need to do is…
Speaker A rejects the advice.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 7 / page 181

A: Mary, I was wondering if you could help me out? I’ve been feeling really stiff after work lately.
B: Have you thought of joining a gym? That way you can unwind through exercise.
A: I think I’ll take your advice. Thanks.

A: Leo, I was wondering if you could help me out? I don’t know what to do about my noisy neighbours.
B: Have you tried talking to them about it?
A: That’s all very well for you to say, but they are very rude.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 8 / page 181

2. A: I’ve booked on a cruise.
    B: This is the life!
3. A: I was sorry to hear the bad news.
    B: Life goes on.
4. A: I can’t manage on my income.
    B: Life is hard.
5. A: Can I borrow your new car?
    B: Not on your life!


Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 1/ page 182

1.     When one parent is away from home, children miss their love and protection. If the father is away, the mother has to perform all the duties that he would have done such as disciplining the children and bringing in a wage. If the father is a soldier in the war, the family is also worried about his safety.
2.   Life for young girls in the 19th century was probably harder than today. They would have been expected to help their mothers with the housework and to look after the younger children. They probably spent their free time in ladylike activities such as reading and needlework. In the past many young girls were educated at home and were not allowed to socialize very much, especially not with boys or with people from a different class.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 2 / page 182

A: The experiment could be that the mother punished them by giving them different household tasks to do.
B: Yes, or she may have left them alone for a week to see how they managed by themselves.
A: I think you may be right.

1.     G
2.   B
3.   A
4.   H
5.    D
6.   C
7.    E

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 3/ page 182

1.     G The suggestion ‘suppose you learn cooking’ is followed by the explanation ‘That’s a useful skill’, and ‘cooking’ links with ‘dinner party’
2.   B ‘She had had suspicions’ refers back to Meg’s question to her mother in the previous sentence.
3.   A The past tense ‘thought’ and the use of first person ‘I’ fits in with the rest of that paragraph where the mother explains why she went away, and a contrast is made between ‘everyone thinks only of herself’ and ‘more pleasant to help one another’ in the next sentence.
4.   H ‘It’ in the next sentence refers to ‘work’, and sentence H mentions the advantages of work.
5.    D ‘sewing’ refers back to ‘make a set of shirts’, and ‘I can and I will’ refers back to Meg’s resolution.
6.   C The idea of ‘do my lessons’ and ‘not … music and dolls’ is continued in ‘studying not playing’ after the gap.
7.    E The mother’s advice ‘Don’t … work like slaves’ is continued in ‘Have regular hours for work and play’ in the next sentence.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 4/ page 183

duties: responsibilities
inaudibly: silently
recollection: memory
amiable: good-natured
burdens: tasks
fussing: complaining
employing: using

… as flowers turn toward the sun … (lines 4-5)
We’ll work like bees … (line 37)
… work like slaves. (sentence E)

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 5/ page 183

·       I don’t either.
·       make free time more enjoyable
·       become easier – cope with them
·       just wait and see

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 6/ page 183

It is partly based on the author’s own life. We can assume that she shared some of the experiences of her characters and that the circumstances of the March girls were similar to her own.

Meg – kind – she offers to make shirts for her father
Jo – dynamic, passionate, charming – she is brave and tries new things, she speaks passionately and she has a personality which pleases others
Mother – clever, kind – she knows how to teach the girls important lessons without being bad-tempered with them
Beth – gentle, kind – she wants to please her mother
Amy – gentle, kind – she wants to please her mother

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 7/ page 183

The style of writing is semi-formal and uses language that is appropriate for the times. People talk differently today.

Extract: “I intend to do it right now”
Modern version: “I’m going to do it straight away.”

Extract: “Suppose you learn plain cooking?”
Modern version: “Why don’t you learn to cook simple meals?”

Extract: “the comfort of all depends on each doing her share faithfully”
Modern version: “We will all be more comfortable if we each do our jobs properly.”

Extract: “We’ll work like bees, and love it too, see if we don’t.”
Modern version: “We’ll work really hard and it’ll be fun – just wait and see!”

I would recommend this novel as a fascinating story with interesting characters that shows the reader what life was like growing up in a small town in America in the 19th century.

A lesson learnt.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 8/ page 183

Students’ own answers.

Mother – Susan Sarandon
Meg – Trini Alvarado
Jo – Winona Ryder
Beth – Claire Danes
Amy – Kirsten Dunst

A large house decorated in the style of the 1800s.

I would keep close to the novel, as I wouldn’t want people who loved the novel to be annoyed by the film – I would want to make the film as similar to the novel as possible.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 9/ page 183

The life of the average girl today is very different to the lives of the girls described in the text. For example, girls these days go to school and so are not in the house all day. Girls and boys have to help around the house as, in most families; both parents go out to work and do not have much time to do household chores. Girls also leave home earlier these days, as they often go to the university or get jobs when they finish school, whereas the girls in the story will probably stay at home with their parents until they get married.


Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 1 / page 184

1.     D The restaurant where we had dinner served excellent food.
2.   N Lynne, who lives next door, is an actress.
3.   D That’s the man whose car was stolen last week.
4.   N Amanda, who I knew at university, was on television the other day.
5.    N The History Museum, which opened in 1973, recently closed.
6.   N Paris, where you can see the Eiffel Tower, is the capital of France.
7.    N This book, which I borrowed from the library last week, is very interesting.
8.   N I usually go on holiday in August, when the weather is nice and hot.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 2/ page 184

1. Lucy went to the bank in order to take out some money.
2. He was very quiet to avoid waking up the baby.
3. Let’s take a packed lunch with us in case we get hungry.
4. We took a taxi so as not to be late.
5. Rachel has hired more staff so that she can expand her business.
6. You should wear sunscreen in summer to prevent getting sunburnt.


1.     He’s taking sunscreen to avoid getting sunburnt.
2.   He is taking a camera in order to take some photos.
3.   He is taking a straw hat so that he will not get heat stroke.
4.   He is taking a money belt so that he will be able to carry his money with him.
5.    He is taking a cooler in order to have cold drinks at the beach.
6.   He is taking a lantern in case there is a power cut.
7.    He is taking flippers so that he can go snorkeling.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 3/ page 184

1.     Despite being almost ninety, he was still extremely fit. / Even though he was almost ninety, he was still extremely fit. / He was almost ninety. However, he was still extremely fit.
2.   The elderly tourists were not at all tired even though the coach journey was long./ Although the coach journey was long, the elderly tourists were not at all tired./ The coach journey was long. However, the elderly tourists were not at all tired.
3.   Despite her long stay in hospital, she eventually recovered./ Although she spent a long time in hospital, she eventually recovered. / Even though she spent a long time in hospital, she eventually recovered.
4.   Even tough they were homeless, they refused to accept financial aid./ Despite being homeless, they refused to accept financial aid./ They were homeless. However, they refused to accept financial aid./ although they were homeless, they refused to accept financial aid.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 4/ page 184

2. A: You should eat fresh vegetables in order to increase your vitamin intake.
     B: I know … but, although I love salads, they are difficult to find when I am not at home.

3. A: You should be more active in order to stay fit and healthy.
     B: I know … but, although I want to take exercise, it is not easy because I work till late.

4. A: You should reduce your stress levels so that you become more relaxed.
     B: I know … but, although I try to keep calm, I face a lot of pressure every day.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 5/ page 184

1.     aren’t you?
2.   doesn’t she?
3.   will you?
4.   shall we?
5.    am I?
6.   isn’t it?
7.    aren’t they?
8.   does he?

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 6/ page 184

1.     … have not seen Steve for … (present perfect + for)
2.   … is the same age as … (the same + noun + as)
3.   … I were you, I would … (type 2 conditional)
4.   … is unusual for Ann to … (adj + sb + to – inf)
5.    … wish I had remembered … (wish + past perfect)
6.   … the exception of Mary … (with the exception of)
7.    … would rather visit Poland than … (would rather … than)
8.   … does this car belong to … (sth belongs to sb)
9.   … no point in asking for … (no point in + -ing)
10.                … it is difficult for me … (be + adj + for sb + to)

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 7/ page 185

application, applicant
collection, collector
creator, creation
employment, employer, employee
promotion, promoter

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 8/ page 185

1.     down
2.   such
3.   of
4.   like
5.    their
6.   from
7.    Take
8.   their
9.   on
10.    for
12.     all
13.     which/that
14.     Is
15.     or

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 9/ page 185

1.     Hurried
2.   noticeable
3.   depression
4.   relationship
5.    intake
6.   dramatically
7.    transferring
8.   miraculous
9.   unfortunately
10.                rapidly


Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 1/ page 186

Key words to be underlined: letter received from a pen friend; family and I visit your country for a holiday; tell me a good place to visit; when is the best time to go; advice about sights; write letter; giving information and advice

1.     a letter
2.   I am a young person who has a pen friend from another country. I am writing to my pen friend.
3.   informal – because it’s to a friend
4.   information about a good place to visit, about the best time to go and advice about sights to see.
5.    Each subject will be in a separate paragraph.
6.   Thanks for your last letter and all your news. How nice that you’re planning a trip to Mexico this summer!
7.    I’m sure you’re going to love Mexico! Let me know if there’s anything else you want to know.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 2 / page 186

1.     yes
2.   informal
3.   decided to visit your country – going to visit Turkey
tell me a good place to visit – recommend my favourite place/ lovely/ popular/ beautiful etc.
the best time to go – the best time to visit
sights we should see – places of interest that you can visit
4.   Topic sentences:
Thanks for your letter.
If you want an enjoyable holiday on the beach, I would recommend my favourite place, Bodrum.
The best time to visit is in spring or autumn.
There are many places of interest that you can visit.
It was great to hear from you.
In my opinion, Bodrum is the best place for a beach holiday.
If I were you, I’d visit in the spring or the autumn.
There are lots of interesting places to go.
5.    Hi – how are you? It was great to hear from you and I am thrilled that you are coming to my country for a holiday this summer.
6.   I hope I have given you all the information you need. Have a great time!

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 3 / page 186

Key words to be underlined: advertisement; local newspaper; summer jobs for students; speak any foreign languages; know the local area well; like meeting people; information officers; letter of application; why you are interested; when you will be available.

1.     formal style – because I am writing to a person in authority
2.   c
3.   a, b, c, f, g, h
4.   Para 1 – reason for writing, where I saw the advertisement
Para 2 – age, present occupation, languages, reason for applying for the job
Para 3 – previous experience
Para 4 – availability, contact information, closing remarks

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 4/ page 187

1.     Model A does not include reason for applying for the job or when the writer will be available.
Model B covers all the points.
2.   Model A – informal; Model B - formal
3.   Model B because it has a polite tone and an appropriate style. It covers all the points mentioned in the advertisement.
4.   absence of contracted forms – I am writing to apply for
use of passive voice – which was advertised
use of abstract nouns – would like the opportunity
use of advanced vocabulary – I would appreciate the valuable experience
use of formal linking words and phrases – since, which was
avoidance of phrasal verbs and colloquialisms – This experience helped me to gain
5.    short forms – I’ve, I’m
colloquialisms/ idioms – this will come in handy, to get by, anyway, By the way, the same sort of thing, paid peanuts, let me know, OK
irrelevant information – I’ve been to Spain a couple of times, the tourist job paid peanuts

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 5 / page 187

Key words to be underlined: you organise social events at your college; Read the note from a student; college rules; write a letter to the Head of the college asking permission to have a party; giving information; how it will be organised

1.     a letter requesting permission
2.   not very well
3.   Dear Mr Cox
4.   formal style
5.    to ask permission and to give information
6.   date, time, place and reason for party,
who is organizing the food and drink and decorations,
assurance that the hall will be cleaned after the party and that there will be no noise after midnight
7.    4
8.   Yours sincerely,
and my full name

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 6/ page 188

1.     Model A formal style – yes, it is appropriate
Model B informal style – not appropriate for a letter to a person in authority
2.   Model A – We would be grateful if you would allow us to hold the party …
Model B – Please can we have a party?
3.   Model A – in accordance with the college rules
Model B – like it says in the college rules
4.   Model A – yes
Model B – no, because it is written in the wrong style and register and so Mr Cox may be annoyed or insulted

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 7/ page 188

Key words to be underlined: class project on technology; teacher; composition; Computers have changed our lives for the better; agree or disagree; explaining your reasons

1.     a for-and-against composition
2.   semi-formal – because it is an essay for my teacher
3.   I agree
4.   a false   b true   c true    d true

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 8/ page 188

The model has some faults.
The style is mostly appropriate, but in places is too informal – e.g. ‘I think this is a good thing’, ‘move with the times’, ‘So, we might as well accept it!’
The paragraphing is good, but there are some errors – e.g. ‘because, our lives’
Spelling is good but there is an error – ‘simplier’.
Content is mostly relevant but there is some irrelevant information – e.g. ‘We have a number of computers in our school …’. The opposing viewpoint is not fully presented. Also phrasing from the rubric has not been paraphrased – ‘our lives have changed for the better.’

though – however
because – as
first of all – to start with
to – in order to
what is more – furthermore
however – on the other hand
all in all – to sum up
so - therefore

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 9/ page 189

Key words to be underlined: you work for a local tourist office; your manager; brochure about eating out in your town; write a report; suggesting restaurants; describe three places; explain why; suitable for foreign visitors

1.     a report making suggestions – to help my manager decide
2.   the manager of the tourist office
3.   formal
4.   introduction – to introduce the topic
the names of three restaurants – as stated in the rubric
conclusion – to justify my recommendations


1.     To: Mr James Scott (Manager) – A letter begins with a greeting, such as Dear Mr Scott
2.   The Leaping Fish – ideal for families, homecooked food, traditional local dishes
Yoko’s Sushi Bar – lively atmosphere, good food, offers sometimes unusual
3.   The report ends with a conclusion which justifies the choices made.
4.   Traditional Food, A Modern Restaurant, International Dishes
5.    Introduction – The purpose of this report is to make suggestions for restaurants in Newtown which would be suitable for inclusion in the forthcoming brochure about eating out in the town.
Conclusion – I am confident that the places mentioned will appeal to any foreign visitor to Newtown and are therefore suitable for inclusion in the brochure.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 10/ page 189

Key words to be underlined: short story competition; story must begin; Even though we had a map, we were completely lost

1.     the competition judges
2.   semi-formal – because it is an appropriate for a story
3.   mainly past tenses (past simple, past continuous, past perfect)
4.   being lost in a forest or in the mountains
5.    b, d, e, f, g
6.   first person – it could involve myself and one or more friends or family members

Model B is not suitable.
It does not follow the instructions in the rubric. It ends with the given sentence instead of beginning with it.
It doesn’t use tenses correctly e.g. ‘We soon get tired’, ‘we had sat down’, ‘we hear’, ‘we didn’t know which way is home’
It has incorrect punctuation e.g. no speech marks uses with the direct speech.
It uses inappropriate vocabulary e.g. ‘requested’, should be ‘replied’, ‘all’ should be ‘everything’.
It does not have an interesting plot.
It does not use a variety of adjectives, only simple ones e.g. nice, hot, big.
The sentences are very short and simple, and there is a lack of linking words.

1. Information to be underlined: My friend Jane and I … The thick undergrowth of the forest … It would be dark soon
2. simple past; participles; future in the past; past perfect; past continuous
3. desperately; worried; full of happiness and excitement; feet were sore; backs were aching; terribly hungry; beginning to panic
4. Words to be circled: stumbled; thick; desperately; wonderful; sore; aching; wailed; faint; hurried; cleaner – These descriptive adjectives/ adverbs/ verbs make the story more interesting and help to create suspense.

Upstream –Upper Intermediate
ex 11/ page 190


Key words to be underlined: advertisement; what is your favourite type of music; why do you like it; short articles; magazine

1.     a short article
2.   to write about my favourite type of music
3.   the editor and readers of the magazine
4.   semi-formal style
5.    1 My favourite type of music. 2 Why I like it
6.   Para 1 – introduction – My favourite type of music
Para 2-3 the reasons why I like it
Para 4 conclusion – restate my opinion
7.    Your favourite type of music – The music I find the most enjoyable is …
8.   Beginning:
There are and always have been as many different types of music as there are shades of colours in the rainbow.
However, the music I find most enjoyable is classical music.
Overall, I believe that there is a piece of classical music to appeal to everyone. It is timeless and can truly calm the savage beast.


Key words to be underlined: college magazine; suggest helpful tips for revising for exams; article; giving your suggestions

1.     an article
2.   to suggest helpful tips for revising for exams
3.   the readers of the college magazine
4.   semi-formal
5.    3 or 4 suggestions
6.   Para 1 – introduction
Para 2-4 – your suggestions and the reasons/ examples
Para 5 conclusion
7.    helpful tips – useful hints
8.   Beginning:
We all know that revision is very stressful and time-consuming. However, there are a number of useful hints that you can bear in mind to make the task a lot easier.
All in all, if you bear these points in mind, you should be able to learn and retain all the information you need to help you pass your exams. Good luck!


Key words to be underlined: teacher; composition; Everybody can do something to help reduce pollution; agree or disagree; explaining your reasons

1.     a composition
2.   to give my opinion on the given statement
3.   my teacher
4.   semi-formal
5.    2 or 3 points agreeing/ disagreeing as well as the opposing view
6.   Para 1 – introduction
Para 2-3 – points agreeing/ disagreeing
Para 4 – the opposing viewpoint
Para 5 – conclusion
7.    Everybody can do something to help reduce pollution. – We can all do our part to help in the battle against pollution.
8.   Beginning:
Our planet is facing a crisis. The land, water and air is so polluted that if something is not done soon, the earth will no longer be a nice place to live. We can do our bit to help in the battle against pollution.
In conclusion, if we all do something now, we can make a difference. After all, as the saying goes, ‘many hands make light work’.


Key words to be underlined: your friend; party; another friend; ill; a letter to your friend; describing the party; include details about the food; the guests and the music

1.     a letter
2.   to tell my friend about the party
3.   a friend of mine
4.   informal style
5.    1 the food 2 the guests 3 the music
6.   Para 1 – opening remarks
Para 2-3 the food, the guests, the music
Para 4 closing remarks
7.    birthday party – party to celebrate his/ her birthday, ill – not well, last weekend – last Saturday
8.   Beginning:
Dear Sam,
I hope you’re feeling better. It was such a shame that you weren’t well and missed Paul’s party. I thought I’d write and tell you all about it.
Well, that’s all for now. Let’s get together soon.


Key words to be underlined: friend’s parents; planning to visit your city/ town; your friend, Paula; suggest a good hotel; her parents can stay; using your notes; why you recommend the Ambassador Hotel; warn her about the bad points;

1.     a letter
2.   to recommend a hotel to your friend’s parents
3.   my friend
4.   informal
5.    good points (hotel, location, rooms, facilities), possible bad points (hotel, location, rooms, facilities), my recommendation
6.   Para 1 – opening remarks, reason for writing
Para 2 - good points about hotel, location, rooms, facilities
Para 3 - possible bad points about hotel, location, rooms, facilities
Para 4 – closing remarks
7.    planning to visit – thinking about coming, suggest a good hotel – one great hotel comes to mind, possible bad points – potential drawbacks
8.   Beginning:
Dear Paula,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear all your news. I’m so glad your parents are planning to visit Clacton this summer.
I hope your parents have a great holiday. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.
Best wishes,

There are and always have been as many different types of music as there are shades of colours in the rainbow. However, the music I find most enjoyable is classical music.
Classical music never goes out of fashion. It is always popular, and makes people from every generation experience a wonderful range of feelings and emotions.
Furthermore, classical music has a history and it is fascinating to learn about the composers who created these pieces of music. By listening to and reading about classical music we can learn about the lives and times of the great composers.
Finally, classical music is great in every situation. For a romantic evening, Chopin is deal. When I want to relax, I listen to Mozart, and for a strong, heavy atmosphere, I choose Wagner.
Overall, I believe that there is a piece of classical music to appeal to everyone. It is timeless and can truly calm the savage beast.

B.    How to Revise Effectively!
We all know that revision is very stressful and time-consuming. However, there are a number of useful hints that you can bear in mind to make the task a lot easier.
First of all, make a revision timetable. List all the subjects that you have to revise and plan when you will study each topic. In this way, you will not forget to revise anything and you will not panic.
Secondly, take the regular breaks. You may feel that you should study for as long as possible, but in actual fact, this is not the way to get the best results. You will take in far more information if you take a break every twenty minutes.
Finally, eat healthily, get plenty of sleep, but have fun, too! Your body and mind cannot function if you are stressed, so remember to get all the nutrients and all the sleep you need, as well as enjoying a few laughs. It’s very good for you!
All in all, if you bear these points in mind, you should be able to learn and retain all the information you need to help you pass your exams. Good luck!

Our planet is facing a crisis. The land, water and air is so polluted that if something is not done soon, the earth will no longer be a nice place to live. We can do our bit to help in the battle against pollution.
First of all, we should all leave our cars at home and use public transport or bicycles to get around. Cars emit poisonous gases and cause air pollution. This results in acid rain which destroys buildings and poisons rivers and lakes.
Another way we can all help is to recycle our waste. This will save on natural resources and will mean that these will be less rubbish to be disposed of and our planet will be a cleaner place to live.
Finally, we should save energy by using less water, gas and electricity. In this way, we use less fossil fuels, and so cause less pollution and save our planet’s resources.
In conclusion, if we all do something now, we can make a difference. After all, as the saying goes, ‘many hands make light work’.

Dear Sam,
I hope you’re feeling better. It was such a shame that you weren’t well and missed Paul’s party. I thought I’d write and tell you all about it.
We all met at Paul’s house at about seven o’clock. The place looked great – Paul had decorated it with balloons and streamers and there were coloured lights everywhere. He’d also hired a DJ, so there was fantastic music playing. The atmosphere was brilliant.
Everyone was there (except you, of course) – all Paul’s friends from college and a few of his neighbours, plus his brother and his cousins. The house was full of people. We danced for hours, only stopping to try some of the delicious food that Pail’s mum had made. There were sandwiches, pies, biscuits and a huge cake with coloured icing.
It’s such a pity that you couldn’t make it, but don’t worry – Paul says he’s going to have another party soon! Well, that’s all for now. Let’s get together soon.

Dear Paula,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear all your news. I’m so glad your parents are planning to visit Clacton this summer.
If they want a good hotel to stay at, I’d recommend the Ambassador Hotel. It’s a lovely modern hotel in the centre of town and it’s near the train station. It’s comfortable and clean and rates are very reasonable. There’s a restaurant and a bar and lounge where they can relax in the evenings.
I should warn you, though, that they’ll have to check out early on the day they leave, as the hotel expects guests to vacate their rooms by 8 a.m. Also, being so near the station may mean that it’s quite noisy. While the rooms are lovely, they don’t have much of a view and there’s no pool at the hotel.
I hope your parents have a great holiday. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.
Best wishes,

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