vineri, 28 octombrie 2016


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa XI si XII intitulat INNOVATIONS UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Second Edition, Editura Heinle Cengage Learning, Autori Hugh Dellar si Darryl Hocking 



1. Hairstyles
1.      (spiky hair) – picture C
2.    (curly hair) – picture B
3.    (fringe) – pictures E and G
4.    (dreadlocks) – pictures A
5.     (dyed red hair) – pictures B and G
6.    (pigtails) – picture E
7.     (hair extensions) – pictures D and H
8.    (short back and sides) – pictures C and F

2. Sland
1.      c
2.    f
3.    e
4.    b
5.     d
6.    g
7.     h
8.    a

4. Different kinds of stories
1.      love
2.    hard-luck
3.    old
4.    bedtime
5.     inside
6.    tall

6. Storytelling expressions
1.      Go on
2.    well
3.    really
4.    so
5.     anyway
6.    you’re joking


1. –ing clauses
The unnecessary words are:
1.      He was
2.    They were
3.    It was
4.    He was
5.     I was
6.    They were
7.     She was
8.    We were
9.    They were

The missing parts of the sentences are:
10.      minding my own business
11.   passing through London on the underground
12. thinking, “Who’s this lunatic staring at me?”


2. Idiomatic comparisons
1.      (drank) like a fish (=drank a lot)
2.    (was driving) like a lunatic (=was driving badly/erratically)
3.    (treats her) like dirt (=treats her badly)
4.    (looked) like death warmed up (=looked terrible)
5.     (smoke) like a chimney (=smoke a lot)
6.    (runs) like clockwork (=runs efficiently/regularly)
7.     (slept) like a log (=slept well/deeply)
8.    (get on) like a house on fire (=get on well)

3. Exaggerating using idioms
1.      dying (I’d really like a coffee.)
2.    murder (She’s allowed to do all kinds of things that other people are not allowed to do.)
3.    killing (My feet really hurt.)
4.    murder (It’s very difficult trying to get him to do things.)
5.     died (I was very surprised/shocked/pleased when he told me that!)
6.    died (I laughed a lot.)
7.     death (I’m really fed up with it.)
8.    die (I’d be really hurt/upset if anyone else found out.)
9.    kill (If he does it again, I’ll be really annoyed/I’ll get really angry with him.)

a.     7
b.    3
c.     1
d.     6
e.     5
f.       8
g.     2
h.    4
i.       9

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